Hei Alle Sammen! Fra Presidenten
Hei alle sammen!! (Hi all) Thanks to those who were able to samle (gather) at our pot Luck dinner in the park this past Tuesday. As always, the food was flott (great) and we did not go away sulten (hungry).
At the board meeting, we heard the secretaries report and the treasurer’s rapportere (report). We are fortunate to have a good fond balanse (fund balance) and will be making some budgetary moves to provide more funding to the families who are in need.
We have built up a projector fund and have tilstrekkelig (adequate) dollars to purchase a good one in the near future. Hopefully, we will begin to use it in September. Judy Fankhanel will be our guest presenter and she her presentation will be on her tur (trip) to Turkey to see her son.
Our Membership Dinner is set for October 9, at Trinity Lutheran Church. The cost of the maltid (meal) will be the same as last year… $15.00. If you bring a “prospective” member, their meal as well as your meal will be gratis (free). This should be a good “prospective” member and not just someone looking for a free meal. Latter, latter (Laugh, laugh). Our menu will be Pork Loin, potatoes with gravy, salad and a desert. Pam Skarie will once again be retained to prepare the food. Billetter (Tickets) will be available at the September Lodge meeting, so bring your penger (cash) or checkbook. Following the dinner, our guest presenter will be Jim C. Sinclair, who will be making a presentation on fotografering (photography). Jim is well known for his photography, especially of wildlife at the Tamarac Wildlife Refuge.
Enjoy the rest of August… September and the Fall Season is sniker opp (sneaking up) on us!
Velsignelser (Blessings) on your reise (journey) through life.
Joe Merseth, Presidenten
Membership Dinner is Next Month
It is September, leaves will be starting to change color and our lives will once again get back to more of a routine. I love fall! It is my favorite season. Our Membership Dinner will be in October. Dinner tickets will be available at our September meeting. Dinner will include pork loin, salad and dessert all for just $15.00! Our program for the evening will be Jim Sinclair on his beautiful wildlife and nature photography. Remember if you bring a prospective member, you and your guest receive complementary dinners! Start thinking about who you can invite to join our Lodge!
Please send warm thoughts (varme tanker) and prayers (bønner) this month to Bob Hoover who is undergoing treatments for bladder cancer that has returned.
If you know of someone who should be added to our Solskinn Hjørne (Sunshine Corner), please email Dorothy Poffenberger at dndpoff@arvig.net or call 218-847-8288.
Friendly Reminders…
STAMPS: Remember to save the stamps (leaving a quarter inch around the edges). Please bring these to Dorothy Hoover.
Battery-Powered Tourist Ships Launch in Lofoten
In Norway’s continued quest to embrace renewable energy and environmental friendly transport, the “Brim Explorer”, a new battery-powered tourist ship that can hold up to 140 passengers will sail the Lofoten archipelago during the summer and provide whale watching from Tromsø during the winter starting next year.
The ship can sail on batteries for 10 hours with a cruising speed of 10 knots. The batteries can be charged over night at almost any shore power found in ports. If in need to sail longer distances at higher speed, the catamaran has a diesel engine running on non-polluting bio-fuel.
“A green footprint is an inevitable part of future tourism in the Arctic,” says Agnes Árnadóttir, co-founder of Green Wave Holding.
Agnes Árnadóttir says pollution-free is not the only argument making battery-power more favourable. “Another advantage is the increased comfort and enhanced experience of the passengers and crew as they are able to enjoy the nature in silence.”
On whale watching safaris, the ship can get much closer to the animals without disturbing them.
The catamaran will have her maiden voyage with passengers embarking at the port of Svolvær, Lofoten in August 2019.
Greetings from the Social Director
Where has the summer gone? For now the picnics in the park are over and we are back to our regular schedule, meeting at Union Central at 7pm. We will celebrate all of our summer birthdays, back to our foundation drawings and our door prizes. Back to our National anthems, reading of the minutes etc. It is fun to do different activities and it is also good to get back to routine.
Judy Fankhanel will be presenting our program. She spent three weeks in India with her son Marty, who was working there. Judy has many wonderful pictures and stories to tell.
Bob and I along with Roger J. , Carol T, Bonnie M. were delegates to the District 1 convention in Rochester and then Bob and I were delegates to the International Convention in Bloomington. we will give a brief report and then we have a wonderful surprise to present. Something we can all be very excited and proud of.
Are you thinking ahead to our Membership dinner in October? Who will you ask as a potential member to join you? Tickets will be available at the September meeting for $15. Bonnie, our VP is working hard making plans. See her article for more information.
See you in September, and at the Membership dinner October 9
Dorothy Hoover, Social Director
Happy National Potato Month!
Potatoes have been an important part of Norwegian cuisine and culture for more than 250 years. They continue to be a staple ingredient in many traditional dishes like dumplings, lompe lefse, hash and hasselback potatoes, but have also played a significant role in Norway’s history.
The potato first originated in the Andes in Latin America where it had exclusively grown for 10,000 years before the first Europeans arrived. Those early settlers then brought the potato to Portugal in 1567, and with the help from European religious leaders potatoes eventually made their way to Norway in 1750. Priests and pastors, commonly referred to as “potato priests,” were known for growing potato spuds on the grounds of their parsonage at the time. They would often move from district to district and teach people how to cultivate them on their own.
However, it wasn’t until the Napoleonic wars in the early nineteenth century when potatoes were fully integrated into the Norwegian diet. The British navy blocked the seas around Norway. This eliminated grain imports from Denmark and struck Norway with famine. In desperate need of a replacement, Norwegians turned to potatoes, and quickly found them to not only be nutritious but also simple to cook, inexpensive, filling and easily grown in the harsh Norwegian climate and soil conditions. The humble potato has been a Norwegian favorite ever since.
Address Tomorrow’s Life Insurance Needs Today
We have all had that moment when we get the news about either a friend or loved one whose life has just been changed forever by circumstances outside of their control. Whether due to an accident or unforeseen illness, we don’t know when the need for life insurance will occur. That’s why it’s so necessary to plan ahead. Life insurance might be one of the most important purchases you will ever make!
- According to the 2018 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA:
- Among those with life insurance, about 1 in 5 say they do not have enough
- Two in 5 millennials wish their spouse or partner would buy more life insurance.
- Almost everyone (90%) believes a primary wage earner needs to own life insurance.
For many, life insurance should be at the center of a financial plan. So why are so many households uninsured or underinsured? Some people are afraid to face the fact that we will all die someday. Others assume life insurance is too expensive, or they put off addressing the need, thinking it can always be handled tomorrow. But none of us know what tomorrow might bring.
Each September we bring the importance of life insurance to the forefront with the help of Life Happens coordination of Life Insurance Awareness Month. This campaign is aimed at helping educate the public about the importance of life insurance, and how easy it is to do the right thing to protect their loved ones. If you already have life insurance, now is also a great time to talk to someone about ensuring you have enough coverage to protect the hopes and dreams of your loved ones.
Don’t wait until tomorrow; reach out to your agent or call Sons of Norway at 800.945.8851 so we can help you find a Financial Benefits Counselor qualified to help you navigate your personal insurance needs. You may also find an agent at www.sonsofnorway.com. Simply click on Financial Products > Find a Financial Benefits Counselor.
Share the Spirit of VELKOMMEN
Please reach out this month to someone in our community who might enjoy the fun times and friendly folks at our Sons of Norway lodge. Remember, daughters, sons and anyone with an interest in Nordic culture and heritage are welcome to join Sons of Norway. Let’s make our community welcoming to all!
Looking for Leaders
If you have a passion for philanthropy and experience in business, finance or fund development, you may want to join the Sons of Norway Foundation Board of Governors. More details available at www.sonofnorway.com/foundation.
Deadline is September 10. Apply today!
Greetings from the Cultural Director
God Dag; Fall is the most beautiful time of the year. Falling leaves, Sweater weather, school starting. What a time to take a trip. Well here are 2 of the 7 most Stunning and Iconic things to do in Norway: Norway is the type of country that must be experienced once in a lifetime. 1. Old City of Bergen: Bergen is home to one of the most famous architectural sights of Norway.
Bryggen- dating back from the 14th century, they are some of the oldest and most colorful still standing slightly crooked buildings in the country. The fish market, the aquarium, and the fjord panorama from Mount Floyen are also worth a stop in the old town. 2. Cruise in the Fjords: There is no such thing as going to Norway and skipping the fjords. A cruise is the most simplest and most impressive way to marvel at these natural beauties, plus fewer crowds. It’s just you and nature. Stay tuned for more coming in the next installment. Need a recipe for some famous doughtnuts (this is how my grandma spelled them). Here is her recipe: Beat 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp nutmeg and a dash of salt. Add 1 cup milk and 1 Tbsp cream. Gradually add 4 cups flour or more (as needed), 4 tsp baking powder and lastly add 2 Tbsp melted butter. Mix. Put on floured board and roll out. Cut into doughnuts. Fry in hot lard or Crisco Makes 36. Try them, my grandma Borgny was awesome. Have a great Fall.
Cindy Sauer
a little in English… They Moved Pulpit Rock to India
In the latest “Mission: Impossible” movie, Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) is supposedly set in India. Nevertheless, it is good advertising for Norway, according to people in the tourism industry.
Last fall, actor Tom Cruise came to Lysefjorden in Rogaland. He was going to record scenes for his new “Mission: Impossible” movie on top of the mountain Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock).

Tom Cruise hangs from Pulpit Rock in “Mission Impossible”
The superstar hangs from the edge of the famous cliff for four dramatic minutes. This was seen as a major victory for Norwegian tourism. However, director Christopher McQuarrie has placed the Pulpit Rock in Kashmir, India. This was a disappointment for many.
The webpage minervanett.no was the first to write about the topic. Daily newspaper Dagbladet has talked with Elisabeth Saupstad, a tourism director in the Stavanger office for Visit Norway, the official Tourism Board in Norway. She says that the audience will quickly figure out where the scenes are actually recorded.
“Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) is almost as famous as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. So I think that will not be a problem.”
Hege Kjellevold is the general manager of the Preikestolen Foundation. She also doesn’t think it’s a big problem that the action takes place in India.
“We were prepared for this. That is how things go in the international blockbusters. It’s unlikely that such a storyline would have happened [in Norway],” she told Dagbladet.
The Americans filmmakers received six million dollars to shoot the scenes in Norway. They received the money through a contribution by the Norwegian Film Institute. The subsidy will make Norwegian culture, history and nature more well-known.
litt på norsk… Flyttet Preikestolen til India
I den nye «Mission: Impossible»-filmen er Preikestolen lagt til India. Det er likevel god reklame for Norge, mener folk i reiselivet.
I fjor høst kom skuespilleren Tom Cruise til Lysefjorden i Rogaland. Han skulle spille inn scener fra sin nye «Mission: Impossible»-film på fjellet Preikestolen.
Superstjernen henger fra kanten av det kjente fjellet i fire, dramatiske minutter. Det ble sett på som en stor seier for norsk turisme. Men regissør Christopher McQuarrie har plassert Preikestolen i Kashmir i India. Det var nok en skuffelse for mange.
Det var nettstedet Minervanett som først skrev om saken. Avisa Dagbladet har snakket med Elisabeth Saupstad. Hun er reiselivsdirektør i region Stavanger i Visit Norway. Hun sier at publikum raskt vil finne ut hvor scenene egentlig er spilt inn.
– Preikestolen er nesten like kjent som Eiffeltårnet i Paris. Så det tror jeg ikke blir noe problem.
Hege Kjellevold er daglig leder i Stiftelsen Preikestolen. Heller ikke hun mener det er noe stort problem at handlingen er lagt til India.
– Dette var vi forberedt på. Det er slik det foregår i de internasjonale storfilmene. Det er usannsynlig at en slik historie skulle ha skjedd her, sier hun til Dagbladet.
Amerikanerne som lager filmen, fikk seks millioner kroner for å spille inn scenene i Norge. De fikk pengene gjennom en ordning i Norsk Filminstitutt. Ordningen skal gjøre norsk kultur, historie og natur bedre kjent.