November 2017: Vikingland Lodge Newsletter

November 2017: Vikingland Lodge Newsletter
November 6, 2017 General Information

Fra Presidenten

Hei alle sammen!! (Hi all) Thank you all who participated in the annual Membership Dinner which was held last Tuesday, October 10 at Trinity Lutheran Church. We had 78 people in attendance, enjoyed a wonderful dinner of torsk and meatballs which was catered by Pam Skarie, were entertained by Dotz and Carol on their flutes, and heard from Carol Juven regarding Norwegian heritage in Norway. Mr. Juven has traveled to Norway 159 times and has his own travel company which is headquartered out of Fargo.

Linda Briard, our SON Insurance Representative, provided us with valuable forsikring (insurance) benefit information and gifts.

A very abbreviated mote (meeting) was held to inform our guests that we are a valid organization, not just a social gathering and that through our monetary fundraising efforts, we are able to contribute to our international foundation and moreso to the overall wellness of our communities through financial support and gift giving.

Medlenskap (membership) efforts are working and we appear to have about ten (10) or more new members that will be joining our Vikingland Lodge 1-495. Please meet and greet them as they begin attending our meetings and functions. Iw ill introduce these new members as the list is finalized.

The leaves are falling, the wind is blowing out of the North, the nights are getting colder and we are alerted to the fact that Summer has exited, Fall is with us and Winter is right around the corner. I can relate that to my life as an athlete…playing in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of a game. I was a learner in the first quarter… the Spring of my livsliv (life). I enjoyed an entertaining athletic career in the second quarter… my Summer of life. I realized that I had lost a step or two and some enthusiasm in the third quarter… the Fall of my life. And now, in my last quarter of life… namely Winter, I am just pleased to think about the other three-quarters of life and know that I am blessed to have family, friends, and health. For this, I am very takknemlig (thankful) and look forward to November and December when we share holidays that remind us to be thankful to Him who provides our health and spiritual wellness.

Velsignelser (Blessings) on your reise (journey) through life.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to make our lodge better, please do not hesitate to let us know. Your board is here to serve you.

Joe Merseth, Presidenten

Greetings from your Social Director

We had a very successful membership dinner. Thank you to all who participated in any way. Great things happen when many hand work!

We have more exciting news, November will be election month and we have gotten a yes answer from many who were asked to serve as officers for the coming year. Thank you!

6:00pm we will have soup and sandwich supper. This is always a popular night as we get the chance to enjoy soups so generously made by several of our members. If you would like to take part in the preparation, call Sharon Hittle and let her know.

Karin Fritz-Staley from Emma’s Hope Project will be our program for November. She is the Liason Coordinator for the DL Schools reguarding homeless students. This will be a very informative program as we learn about htese students in our very midst.

Looking ahead to Dcember, we will have a pot luck supper at 6pm, then Ardy Horner will have many of her quilts on display and will tell us about her quilts and what inspires her. I think warm cozy quilts and winter/Christmas go hand in hand.

Mark the 2nd Tuesday of the month as Sons of Norway night.

See you then,

Dorothy Hoover, Social Director

Greetings from your Foundation

We have been busy distributing the funds from the foundation and only have a couple more to do. It has been a rewarding task and very humbling. The agencies we have given money to have been so appreciative and thankful, they all are making their finances stretch to cover the most they can. (The list of agencies is in past newsletters or you can ask me at the next meeting about them.)

On a different note, Our Sons of Norway club has been asked to hold a Scandinavian get together, we have set the date for February 4th, at Trinity Lutheran Church. We are still in the planning stages and would welcome your ideas, you can contact either Dorothy HOover or me with suggestions. What so you think about calling it “Midwinter Scandinavian Festival?” This will be open to the public so a good time to show off our heritage.

See you at the next meeting.

Carol Turner

Did you move in 2017?

If you have moved (or know of a lodge member who has) and have not yet changed your mailing address with Sons of Norway; please update your new information to continue receiving notifications.