January 2019: Vikingland Lodge Newsletter

January 2019: Vikingland Lodge Newsletter
January 1, 2019 Christopher Mohs
Download January 2019 Newsletter (PDF)

Hei Alle Sammen! Fra Presidenten

Happy New Year (Godt nytt år)! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas (jul) and a joyous (glad) New Year!

This Christmas season I had the privilege of going with Carol Turner, Bob and Dorothy Hoover and Earl Johnson to visit some of the charities Vikingland Lodge, Sons of Norway was privileged to support with money from our foundation. We are fortunate that we can support these agencies and help those less fortunate with the proceeds from our silent auction.  I would like to take some time to highlight one of the agencies we support in my letter this month.

Following our November meeting we presented LuAnn Porter the executive director of the United Way of Becker County with a check to support the Backpack Program.  Did you know that each week during the school year 225 bags of food are distributed to children in Becker County. Of those bags 40-50 go to Frazee Elementary, 40-50 to Lake Park Audubon, 65-70 to Roosevelt Elementary, 60 to Rossman and 2 to Detroit Lakes High School. The budget for the Backpack program is $42,000/year with the cost of each bag being $5.50. The bags for LPA are assembled at the Food Bank in Crookston and dropped off as the shipment passes through Audubon on its way to the Detroit Lakes School Food Service garage. The remainder of the food arrives in boxes in Detroit Lakes and is placed into plastic bags by volunteers for distribution.

One Wednesday night per month (usually the last Wednesday) United Way board members and other volunteers gather at the district garage to pack the remainder of the bags. This effort is coordinated by LuAnn Porter and Holly Disse. If you would like to be a part of this effort contact Holly at Midwest Bank.

Many wonder just what is in the backpack.  It includes two packs of cold cereal, a cup of fruit, a couple granola bars, and two cans of a main dish such as chili or beef stew and a couple of boxes of shelf stable milk. In some families the food is just eaten by the child, in others it is used as a base for the family meals for the weekend. For example the chili is mixed with macaroni to make a meal for an entire family. If that doesn’t make you feel fortunate, I give up (gi opp)!

Most families receiving the packs have parents that are working, but after paying housing, utilities etc. little is left for food, so this is truly appreciated (virkelig verdsatt)! I hope this explanation of the backpack programs helps you understand where your donation was used and how much it helps children. By helping feed them over the weekend you are helping them learn better in school. When you are hungry, learning to read isn’t your priority!

This month our meeting is at 7 with a lunch following. The board meeting will take place at 6. Don’t forget we will celebrate our 50th Anniversary with our Scandinavian Festival at Ecumen on March 3rd. Start thinking how you can share our Norwegian heritage (norsk arv) with others on that day!

Bonnie Mohs, Presidenten

We had the esteemed honor of celebrating Lois Wisted’s 100th Birthday at the December Lodge Meeting. Lois is a charter member of Vikingland Lodge.

So you won’t believe who knocked on my door a few weeks ago. Ole and his wife Lena, and he had the most profound story about how he used to provide these fantastic jokes for the lodge newsletter. He swiftly handed me his list and Lena left some lefse and off they went. So without further ado, Ole Says is back.

What did Ole say when he saw his very first pizza?   He said…”Who threw up on my lefse?”


Please send warm thoughts (varme tanker) and prayers (bønner) this month to Bob Hoover who is still undergoing treatments for bladder cancer.

If you know of someone who should be added to our Solskinn Hjørne (Sunshine Corner), please email Dorothy Poffenberger at dndpoff@arvig.net or call 218-847-8288.

Friendly Reminders…

STAMPS: Remember to save the stamps (leaving a quarter inch around the edges). Please bring these to Dorothy Hoover.

Be a Lifelong Learner!

Start 2019 by exploring your heritage with one (or more) of our fascinating Cultural Skills topics.

Dive into a new subject with lodge friends and earn a Cultural Skills pin to recognize your achievement. Or, expand your existing skills and be recognized with additional skill bars. Learn more from your local lodge’s cultural director or log in at sofn.com and go to Member Resources.

Greetings From Your Social Director

Well the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over.  I hope everyone had a chance to take in the beauty and true meaning of the season.  Another wish is for a prosperous and wonderful 2019.

We are back to our regular schedule, meeting at 7pm at Union Central.  Our new officers will begin their duties and I plan on having some interesting programs for all to enjoy.

Something a little different in January for our lodge, we will be playing Bingo.  This of course is along with birthday gifts and door prizes.  Come for a night of just plain fun!

See you January 8.

Dorothy Hoover, Social Director

Re-enactments Provide Glimpse into the Viking Age

Viking re-enactment groups are becoming more prevalent than ever, with groups popping up in the United Kingdom, mainland Europe and Northern America.

Related Facebook groups may be a reason for the rise in awareness and popularity, with several groups each boasting thousands of members.

Reenactment groups strive for authenticity in their activities, be it scenes from everyday life (baking, forging, gardening, carving) or participating in re-created battles. Many members of these groups study Viking life and culture in detail, from exploring ancient Viking sites, studying Norse sagas or scrutinizing artifacts and old trade routes.

There are active online marketplaces for buying, selling and trading Viking replicated clothing, accessories and equipment. On websites such as Etsy one can source jewelry, tunics, headwear, footwear, tankards, shields, props and more.

To get a real flavor for Viking re-enactment, check out a recent issue of National Geographic, “The Vikings, Lords of Sea and Sword.” Re-enactors were used in photographs to illustrate in detail various aspects of Viking life.

Netflix på norsk

Winter months are a great time to get cozy and catch up on your favorite tv shows. For subscribers to Netflix, there are an everincreasing number of Norwegian titles available.

Have a look at the descriptions of the latest batch of Norwegian-made films and tv series.

Maniac / Maniac – TV series – TV-MA – A nondescript man in a mental hospital has an exciting life of adventure and romance – in his head. He may be insane, or maybe he’s just having fun. Mindbending, Offbeat, Absurd

Norsemen / Vikingane

Norsemen / Vikingane – 2 seasons – TV-MA – In 790 AD, the Vikings of Norheim have a hectic schedule that includes pillaging, plundering, enslaving others and solving problems with violence. Violent, Dark, Period Comedy

The Last King / Birkebeinerne – Rated R – In 1204 as civil war rages, Norway’s dying king entrusts two warriors to protect his infant son against internal forces determined to kill the heir. Exciting, Adventure, Period Piece

Coming soon …

A new Netflix original series from Norway has just started production. “Ragnarok” is the story of a Norse god who comes back to life as a teenage boy. The six-part series is a mash-up of Norse mythology and a high school drama.