Hei Alle Sammen! Fra Presidenten
Hei alle sammen!! (Hi all) I may not have all the information that should be in this newsletter as I have to get it done and out before I head to Ontario for a few days of fishing with #2 Sonn (Son) and #2 Barnebarn (Grandson). Should be a fun Tur (trip).
Our Juli (July) picnic was held on Tuesday, July 10, following the Habitat for Humanity meal that many persons attended for hamburgers and or brats. We had about 45 personer (persons) in deltakelse (attendance), the vaer (weather) was really nice, the deserts were delicious and best of all, the meeting was very kort (short).
At this meeting, we elected to have our Viking Float in the Water Carnival Parage on July 15. About 8-10 persons indicated that they would ri (ride) in the parade. I hope that all went well and that the Vikingland Float cruised on torke (dry) land for the parade. Thanks to all who deltok (participated), sorry that I could not be there and that I did not have your names in this newsletter.
On Tuesday, August 14, we will once again hold our meeting at the City Park. This meeting will begynne (commence) at 7 pm, following the Potluck Picnic at 6 pm. Check the newsletter for Dorothy’s article on the program for the evening.
Velsignelser (Blessings) on your reise (journey) through life.
Joe Merseth, Presidenten

Tessa Birznieks, grand-daughter of Vikingland Lodge member Kris Nelson, attended Skogfjorden Norwegian Camp on one of our scholarships.
Please send warm thoughts (varme tanker) and prayers (bønner) this month to Bob Hoover who is undergoing treatments for bladder cancer that has returned.
If you know of someone who should be added to our Solskinn Hjørne (Sunshine Corner), please email Dorothy Poffenberger at dndpoff@arvig.net or call 218-847-8288.
Friendly Reminders…
PARADE FLOAT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: During the summer months we like to participate in various parades in the area to promote the Lodge and Sons of Norway. We have a Viking ship that we ride in. Help showcase our Norwegian Pride and volunteer to participate at various parades this summer. To volunteer, email Dorothy Hoover at dorothy.hoover@sonsofnorwaydl.org or by phone at 218-849-2275.
STAMPS: Remember to save the stamps (leaving a quarter inch around the edges). Please bring these to Dorothy Hoover.
Greetings from the Social Director
A big hearty thank you to all float riders, walkers, drivers, candy buyers, float carpenters etc. Lots of wonderful comments about our float and participation in the parades have been received. THANKS!
Thanks also to dessert bringers last month. This month we will also meet in the park for a potluck meal at 6pm with a meeting to follow. Our summers are short here and we feel anything we can do outside is wonderful. If the weather is inclement we have Union Central as plan B.
Looking ahead to September, Judy Fankhannel will present our program about visiting her son in India. She has beautiful pictures and stories to tell. Keep in mind our membership dinner in October. VP Bonnie Mohs is working on this project so start thinking who you would like to invite as a prospective member.
I hope you are enjoying your summer, see you at the picnic on August 14.
Dorothy Hoover, Social Director
July 2018 Board Meeting Highlights
The meeting was held at the City Park as part of our special lodge meeting in conjunction with the Habitat for Humanity fundraiser.
We’re happy to report that 3 students were awarded scholarships to attend camp this summer.
At the District Convention, 5 of our members won ribbons for their craft projects.
The Gangmerke (GHANG-merk-eh) Walking Medals were presented. Christopher Mohs earned a silver medal for walking 300 miles and Dotz Johnson earned a gold medal for walking 270 miles.
Highlights submitted by Kathy Rogers, Co-Secretary.
Who Will You Invite To This Year’s Membership Dinner?
It may still be August, but in just a couple months we’ll be holding our annual membership dinner at the October Lodge Meeting.
This dinner is your opportunity to reach out to potential new members and invite them to experience the best that Vikingland Lodge has to offer.
Start thinking about who you will invite as tickets will become available very soon!
Norwegian TV Show “Skam” Now Available in the U.S.

The cast of Skam Austin
It’s official! Norway’s hit TV show, “Skam,” has finally made its way to the United States. While the original series follows a group of high school friends from Oslo, Norway, as they navigate life’s accomplishments, struggles and insecurities; the English remake, “Skam Austin,” will follow a very similar plot but focus on what it’s like to be a teenager in Austin, TX.
The teen-drama series first aired in Norway in 2015, and quickly become one of the most adored programs in the nation’s history. More than a quarter of the country’s four million-person population tuned-in to each episode. But what truly makes the show interesting is how the producers utilize social media and real-time clips throughout each season. Unlike any other TV series, fragments of the upcoming episode are posted in real-time throughout the week. For example, if a scene in the show is intended to take place at school on a Tuesday afternoon, that particular clip will go live on Facebook on Tuesday afternoon. If something took place at midnight during a Saturday night house party, then that particular clip is uploaded on Saturday night. At weeks’ end all the clips are rolled into one single episode and aired every Friday evening. This marketing technique not only heightens the anticipation for each episode, but also keeps viewers waiting for something new to be posted all week long.
litt på norsk, a little in English
Kaffe kan beskytte mot hjertesykdom
Kaffe gir ikke hjerteflimmer, konkluderer forskere. Kanskje det til og med beskytter.
Hjerterytmeforstyrrelser som atrieflimmer eller ventrikkelflimmer gjør at hjertet banker uregelmessig. Hjerteflimmer er ofte ufarlig, men kan også henge sammen med alvorlige hendelser, som slag eller hjertesvikt.
Tidligere fikk mennesker med hjerteflimmer ofte beskjed om å holde seg unna koffein, siden man antok at stoffet kunne øke risikoen for rytmeforstyrrelser. Men i senere år har studier pekt mot at det ikke finnes noen slik effekt.
Og nå har et team av australske forskere gått igjennom forskningen på feltet. Konklusjonen deres er som følger: Kaffe er trygt og kan til og med se ut til å beskytte mot hjerteflimmer.
Ti kopper – ingen virkning
Aleksandr Voskoboinik og kollegaene hans har sett på resultatene fra flere typer studier. For eksempel fra befolkningsstudier hvor forskere har kartlagt folks kosthold og livsstil, og sammenlignet det med data over sykdom. Men også fra eksperimenter der deltagerne har fått beskjed om å drikke kaffe eller å la være, slik at forskerne kunne sammenligne virkningen.
Resultatene virker samstemte: Selv store mengder kaffe – opptil ti kopper om dagen – ser ikke ut til å ha noen negativ effekt på hjerterytmen.
Dette stemmer med informasjon som Landsforeningen for hjerteog lungesyke la ut på sine nettsider, allerede i 2015.
Ifølge den nye forskningen er det mulig at koffeinet faktisk hjelper, ved å blokkere stoffet adenosin, som kan være med på å utløse atrieflimmer.
Tre kopper er trygt
Voskoboinik og kollegaene vil kanskje ikke akkurat anbefale alle å tylle ned ti kopper kaffe om dagen. Men de mener det er støtte i forskningsdataene til å si at det er helt trygt – og kanskje beskyttende – å nyte tre kopper. Det er helt i tråd med en studie av kaffens generelle virkning på helsa, som ga grønt lys for tre til fire kopper om dagen.
Forskerne påpeker imidlertid at det kan være individuelle forskjeller. Det finnes tilfeller hvor pasienter rapporterer at de opplever hjerterytmeforstyrrelser i forbindelse med koffeinholdig drikke. Da kan det være en god ide å begrense inntaket, skriver de. Men ellers er det altså ingen grunn til bekymring.
Og om du vil ha en ørliten bit med sjokolade til kaffen? Ja, da har vi jammen forskning som hinter om at det også kan virke mot hjerteflimmer.
God pause!
Coffee can protect against heart disease
Coffee does not cause arrhythmia, researchers conclude. It might even protect you from it.
Cardiac arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation causes the heart to beat irregularly. Heart fibrillation is often harmless, but may also coincide with serious events such as strokes or heart failure.
In the past, people with heart arrhythmia were often told to stay away from caffeine since it was assumed that the drug could increase the risk of rhythm disturbances. But in recent years studies have suggested that there is no such effect.
Recently a team of Australian researchers went through the field research. Their conclusion is as follows: Coffee is safe and may even appear to protect against heart arrhythmia.
Ten cups – no effect
Aleksandr Voskoboinik and his colleagues have looked at the results of several types of studies. For example, population studies where researchers have mapped people’s diet and lifestyle, and compared them to data on disease. But they’ve also looked at experiments where participants have been told to drink coffee or to give it up so that the researchers could compare the effect.
The results seem consistent: Even large amounts of coffee – up to ten cups a day – seem to have no negative effect on the heart rate. This corresponds to information that the Landsforeningen for hjerte- og lungesyke [National Association for Cardiovascular Disorders] published on its websites as early as 2015.
According to the new research it is possible that caffeine actually helps by blocking the substance adenosine, which may help trigger atrial fibrillation.
Three cups are safe
Voskoboinik and colleagues may not recommend that everyone toss back ten cups of coffee a day. However, they believe the research data supports that it is completely safe – and perhaps beneficial – to enjoy three cups. It is completely in line with a study of the overall effect of coffee on health, which gave the green light to three to four cups a day.
However, the researchers point out that there may be individual differences. There are cases when patients report experiencing heart rhythm disorders associated with caffeinated drinks. In those cases it may be a good idea to limit intake, they write.
But otherwise, there’s no reason to worry.
And what if you want a tiny piece of chocolate with your coffee?
Yes, we have research that hints that that, too, could prevent heart arrhythmia.
You’ll want to make note of these dates in August
August 3-11 – Enjoy the Peer Gynt festival in Gudbrandsdalen river valley north of Lillehammer. Visitors gain insights into the historical 17th century person Peer Gynt and Norwegian legends, mystical creatures and traditions in a spectacular outdoor setting. Learn more at https://www.visitnorway.com
August 8 – Sneak Some Zucchini on Your Neighbor’s Porch Day.
Seriously, your neighbor may have a great zucchini bread recipe and be happy to see the bounty from your garden.
August 16 – National Tell a Joke Day (U.S.). The perfect day to share your favorite Ole & Lena joke!
August 21 – National Spumoni Day (U.S.) What could be better than an ice cream treat on a hot summer day? If you’ll be in Canada, you’ll have to wait until November 13 to celebrate this holiday.a great zucchini bread recipe and be happy to see the bounty from your garden.
Edvard Munch through the Eyes of Andy Warhol

Edvard Munch:
Aften på Karl Johan
As a pioneer of modern art, Edvard Munch has undoubtedly left behind a legacy of some of the most famous artworks in history. His work has appeared in exhibitions all over the world, and been the inspiration behind many other well-known artists. Among those artists is the late Andy Warhol, a standout in the visual arts movement of the 1960s.
While many may think the artistic universes of Andy Warhol and Edvard Munch to be polar opposites, the Munch Museum’s newest exhibition, “Andy Warhol—After Munch,” sheds light on the surprising comparisons between the two and the impact that the Norwegian artist had on the pop art icon.
The exhibit in Oslo runs from May 26-August 26 and features 15 of Warhol’s paintings. Each piece is based off of four of Munch’s images and manages to bring a whole new meaning to his original work.
Learn more by visiting the Munch Museum website at http://munchmuseet.no/utstillinger/andy-warhol-after-munch, or check-out the July 2017 Viking cover feature to trace Munch’s steps throughout Norway.
Happy Anniversary
King Harald V and Queen Sonja will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on August 29.